SpringConnect Configuration Follow
This article provides an overview of the settings in SpringConnect.
SpringConnect is the software that syncs data from QuickBooks Desktop, QuickBooks Online, and Bullhorn into SpringAhead. It also supports exporting time data, invoices, and expense reports to QuickBooks. Additionally, SpringConnect can generate custom payroll files for systems that do not have a direct integration with SpringAhead.
To download SpringConnect, please go to www.getspringconnect.com.
SpringConnect Integrations
For detailed instructions on how to connect SpringConnect with QuickBooks Desktop, QuickBooks Online, Bullhorn, or create a custom payroll file, please refer to the articles linked below:
SpringConnect Opening Window
- Company: displays the Quickbooks Desktop file name that is connected to SpringConnect.
- Data to sync: Provides a drop-down of specific lists to sync from Quickbooks.
- Options: Allows the Admin to access the additional Options for SpringConnect
- Import File: Allows Admins to upload a .csv of list data which has been exported from Quickbooks Desktop
- Synchronize: Allows the Admin to sync data from Quickbooks Desktop, Quickbooks Online, or Bullhorn into SpringAhead
SpringConnect’s Back-Up Menu
Clicking the SpringAhead logo in the upper left corner will provide a few additional options:
- Settings allow the Admin to back up or import saved SpringConnect configuration settings. For more information, please see this article.
- Check for Update will allow you to update SpringConnect when a new version is available.
- View Log allows an Admin to access the sync log, which can be useful for troubleshooting with Support.
The SpringConnect Options Window
- Multi-Company: Checking this box will enable the Multi-Company feature. For more information on the Multi-Company feature, see this article.
- Connection: This setting should always say Enabled
- Company Login: This field is where you will enter the SpringAhead Company Login.
Data File: This field is populated when SpringConnect is connected to the QuickBooks Desktop file used for syncing and exporting. Note that only one QuickBooks file can be linked to a single SpringAhead account.
- First Day of Week: This setting must reflect the First Day of Week set in the SpringAhead My Company page, and cannot be changed.
SpringConnect Advanced Settings
The Advanced Settings in SpringConnect allow the Admin to configure specific data settings. Please note that some features on this page are no longer supported. The supported features are outlined below:
Sync Changed Date Only: By default, SpringConnect syncs all list data during each sync. Enabling this feature will limit the sync to only new, edited, or changed data, which can help speed up the process.
Sync Items as Tasks: This feature syncs the service item list and automatically creates tasks from the items.
Sync Classes as Tasks: This feature syncs the class list and automatically creates tasks from the classes.
Use Account Numbers: This feature syncs the GL account list along with the associated accounting numbers.
Time Import
Validate for QuickBooks Payroll: This feature syncs the payroll item list from QuickBooks Desktop.
Validate All Employees: Enabling this option will use the exported time card data to automatically create paychecks for employees in QuickBooks.
Import Invoices as ‘To Be Emailed’: This feature imports invoices from SpringAhead as "To Be Emailed." Please note, it is only available for QuickBooks Desktop.
Auto Blank Unknown Credit Card Charge Payee: Enabling this feature will automatically clear merchant names that do not exist in QuickBooks.
Auto Blank Invoice Service Dates: This feature consolidates each invoice line into a single line, showing the total amount.
- This allows you to select the Bullhorn placement configuration.
Other Settings