Using the SpringAhead Mobile App Follow
Online and Offline List View
Upon sign in, you will land on the list view where you will find all your unsubmitted time entries in the current list view period (weekly, bi-weekly, semi-monthly, monthly), as well as timers and online drafts. Timers are positioned at the top and active timers are highlighted in blue with an animated clock, followed by offline drafts represented with orange "Tap to complete" text.
All unsubmitted entries, drafts, and timers are editable from the app. Edits made to unsubmitted entries are reflected on the web immediately and vice versa.
The only difference between online and offline mode list views is that while offline, time entries do not show up - only drafts and timers are displayed. If your unsubmitted time entries aren't appearing in the mobile app, you may be in offline mode. Simply connect your device to data or WiFi, and go online.
Entering Time
From the list view, tap the orange button to track time using any of the following methods.
Everyone has this entry mode. Tap the blue button to start a new timer, with or without project, task (company setting dependent), and time type filled out. Project, task, and time type details can be edited at any point while the timer is running or paused, and all changes are automatically saved.
All details must be populated, including project, time type, and task if the selected project requires one, before a completed timer can be turned into a time entry and published to your timesheets. When stopping a timer that has all details filled out, it will automatically get saved as a time entry.
Timers run continuously unless they're paused, meaning things like logging out and back in, going on/offline, switching between two or more SpringAhead accounts on a device, and closing the app do not result in timers disappearing or skipping a beat. However, be aware that deleting the app and re-downloading it will result in lost timers. This is because all timers are recorded locally on your mobile device and do not show up on the web until they're completed and saved into time entries.
Everyone has this entry mode. To add or subtract hours and minutes, use the plus and minus buttons or tap on the number between then +/- and type in a number.
Time in/out
If your company has time in/out enabled in Company Settings you will have this entry mode. When adding hours in time in/out mode, time out is defaulted to current device time, and time in is 8 hours prior to that. If you work 8 hour shifts regularly, enter any break taken and fill out the project and time type details to complete your entry for that day.
Offline drafts
Everyone has this entry mode. When a device has no data or WiFi connection, the app will automatically drop you into offline mode with a network connection error. Offline mode is a feature exclusive to the mobile app and designed to accommodate you if you work in the field without access to the internet.
When creating a draft, no project, task, or time type menus are available. Those can be added when you go online, at which point they will also be able to complete a draft and save it as a time entry. Drafts can be updated offline and online after they are created. Since drafts are stored as local data on the device just like timers, deleting the app and re-downloading it will result in lost drafts.
Deleting an Entry
To delete an entry, swipe right to left from the right edge of the entry to reveal the delete button. The entry that is about to be deleted will start shaking until the deletion is either confirmed or cancelled. Deleting a time entry on mobile would delete it on the web and vice versa. All types of entries can be deleted, including active/paused/stopped timers, drafts, and unsubmitted time entries. Deleting timers and drafts while offline is allowed.