Exporting Payroll to ADP Follow
SpringAhead can export employee gross payroll information directly into ADP Pay Expert or ADP PC/Payroll. Using this guide, you will:
- Review and export from SpringAhead
- Import to ADP
Exporting Payables
Once time has been processed from the Review area, it will be sent to the Payables area to be exported. To export a CSV for import to ADP, follow these steps:
- Click on Payables.
- To review pay rates for all hours worked, ensure the Detail Level is set to Detailed.
- Review the information to be exported.
- Uncheck any items that are not ready for export.
- Review the date range(s) to ensure that you have only selected the desired transactions.
- Make sure ADP is selected as the software and Include Timecards is unchecked.
- Click Export.
- Click OK.
This will download the ADP file onto your computer.
Importing to ADP
When you are ready to create your employee payroll, download the employee gross payroll from the Payables area of SpringAhead (make sure you select ADP as your software). SpringAhead will name the file for you, but make sure that it is correctly named EPIcccVT.CSV, where 'ccc' is your ADP company code (if there are only 2 digits, add '_'). For PC/Payroll, you must save the file to the "C:\ADP\PCPW\ADPDATA" folder where you installed ADP.
In ADP, you import this file during the paydata entry part of the payroll cycle. Typically, this is after you have added any new employees and enter any changes to employee information. Once paydata tasks are complete and all paydata batches are in balance, you create the Payroll Transmission file. If you prematurely create the Payroll Transmission file before importing paydata, you must reset the payroll cycle to allow for paydata import.
You can view or print the log file after the paydata import process finishes. The log file lists the processing statistics, errors, and warnings related to the file that you process. The log file name for the paydata import process is EPIPccc.LOG, where 'ccc' is your ADP company code. For PC/Payroll, this is located in the "C:\ADP\PCPW\ADPLOG" folder.
After importing paydata, remember to verify each of the batch totals using the Verify Batch Totals option in ADP.
Once you import paydata, you may need to change or enter data that, for some reason, failed the import process. To locate imported paydata in ADP Expert, open the Select Paydata Entry Batch page (Paydata tab, Batch Entry, Edit Batch). Then select the name of the batch (VT) that contains the paydata you want to edit in the Batch ID field.
Continue processing payroll as you would normally do within ADP to create the Payroll Transmission file For more information on using ADP Payroll, consult the ADP help manual or contact your ADP representative.