Editing an Approved Expense Report Follow
An employee can edit expenses until it is approved, at which time it is locked and is uneditable. An administrator can always edit locked expenses by following these steps:
- Log in as an administrator.
- Click on Review.
- Click on the Edit an Expense in the upper right part of the screen. This takes you to the expense list screen.
- Select the user that owns the expense report you which to change. If the expense report has been processed, check Show Processed and enter a date range that will encompass the date range of the expense report. Click Refresh to load the list of expense reports.
- If you want to delete the entire expense report, click the red X in the right most column next to it and you are done.
- Click on the expense report name to edit it.
- If this expense report has been exported in Invoices or Payables, you will be warned appropriately here.
- You can now change or delete any expense detail from this screen.
Please Note: There are many ways to get to the expense report edit screen. Some include:
- From Approvals, Review or Review Expense Report screens, click Edit an Expense.
- Most screens (approve, process) have links next to each list of expense reports.
- If you run a report, be sure to check the box to Include Details. The generated report will have a blue link to each expense report listed.