Defining a Missing Item Follow
If you are reviewing timecards and you see the error "no item defined", that means the system cannot locate an item in neither the project nor at the user level.
There are a couple of ways to correct the error.
To define the item within the project:
- Next to the "no items defined" error message, click on the project's name.
- Click on the Invoicing tab and use the Invoice Item drop-down menu to select an item and the error should be fixed.
You can also click on the People tab. Within the user's details, there is another Invoice Item drop-down menu. Selecting an item here will override all other items for the user, including the item setting in the next option below.
To define the item by user:
- Next to the "no items defined" error message, click on the user's name.
- Click on the Mapping tab.
- Select an Item in the drop-down menu.
The error should be corrected with any of these solutions.
Set a default item in global settings:
- Click on Settings, then My Company.
- Scroll down to the Invoicing section, and click More Settings.
- Use the drop-down menu to select an item for the Default Item field.