Entering Expenses Follow
Entering expenses in SpringAhead is simple and fast. Here are the details for:
- Entering an Expense Report
- Saving and Submitting an Expense Report
- Attaching Receipts
- Using the Foreign Exchange Function
- Running Reports
- Other Features
Entering an Expense Report
- Log in to SpringAhead using the login instructions and password provided by your administrator.
- Click Expense in the Navigation Bar. This screen lists all of your current expense reports.
- Click New Expense Report to create a new expense report.
- Enter an expense report title and the date range. You can group expenses as you see fit (by week, month, trip, etc.) or as directed by your company.
- Enter the Date, Expense Type, and Amount or Quantity for each expense and fill out the other information as required by your company. Click Save to record the expense and open a new entry window.
Saving and Submitting an Expense Report
- To save the expense report for additional entries in the future, click Return to List.
- To submit the expense report for approval, click Submit Now.
Expenses can be added or modified until approved by the manager. Once approved, expense reports are read-only. Contact your administrator if an approved expense report needs to be changed.
After saving the expense report, you will be returned to the expense list. Note the status of the expense report in the Status column of the list.
Attaching Receipts
Receipt images may be uploaded from your computer. Images may then be attached to individual expense line items or to the entire expense report.
Uploading Receipts
- To attach a receipt to an individual line item, click on the cog icon to the right and select Upload Attachment.
- To attach a receipt to the entire expense report, scroll down and click Add Attachment and select Upload Attachment.
Using the Foreign Exchange Feature
If foreign currencies are enabled for the enterprise, there will be another field for selecting the type of currency.
- To calculate the expense amount paid in a foreign currency, use the drop-down to select the Currency Type.
- Enter the Amount and Exchange rate; this will then produce the value in your home currency in the Amount field to the right.
Running Reports
- Click Reports in the Navigation Bar.
- Select the report to run, specify the date range and details, and click Run.
Other Features
Edit, Duplicate or Delete an expense item
- In the Expense tab, all your expense reports will be displayed. Click on the cog icon to the right of the line item to make changes, as necessary.
View or Delete an attachment
- In the Attachments section of an expense report, click the arrow on the right to make changes.
View prior expense reports (can also be accessed by running reports)
- Click on Filters. Check Show Processed, enter a Date Range and click Reload.
Print expense reports
- Click on the expense report you’d like to print.
- Click View Expense Report at the upper right-hand corner.
- Print using your browser’s print function.
Change your password
- Click Settings in the Navigation Bar.
- Click Change Password and enter the information.
Importing Credit Card transactions from a .CSV
In order to upload credit card transactions into SpringAhead, users are able to upload a .csv onto an expense report, by clicking the Upload from File button.
The columns needed to upload transactions via a .csv are:
- Date
- Merchant Name
- Amount
- Memo (or Description)
Selecting a payment method will apply the selected payment method to all of the uploaded transactions, and will flag the transaction as reimbursable or non-reimbursable, depending on the configuration of the payment method.
Note: Duplicate transactions will be uploaded as though they are unique transactions.