The Settings Tab Follow
The Settings tab is where you can change your Company and User settings, edit data and configure SpringAhead.
The following sections are included in the left-hand data menu: Data, General, Time, Expense, Accounting, Billing, Wizards, Admin Functions, My Info, and Product.
- Sync with Accounting -- Clicking this link will allow you to pull up the SpringConnect syncing engine and pull information from your QuickBooks file to SpringAhead
- My Company -- Settings here will allow you to edit your global preferences
- People -- Lists all the users who will have access to SpringAhead, including employees, contractors, etc.
- Projects -- Lists projects/jobs that users can submit time and/or expenses for
- Companies -- Lists clients/vendors that are pulled over from your QuickBooks file
- Tasks -- Users can select this to add time to within projects; Can be used in place of Items.
- Time Types -- Additional / custom time types here can utilized by users to input time for, such as PTO, Vacation, etc.
- Expense Types -- These will be visible to expense users who will be submitting expenses, such as mileage.
- Payment Methods -- These will be visible to expense users to select for their expense reports, such as Cash, Credit Card, etc.
- Approval Levels -- Only visible if "Use Approval Levels" is checked off in My Company. Allows monetary limits for expense approvers
- Accounts -- These are pulled over from your QuickBooks file
- Items -- These are service items pulled over from your QuickBooks file
- Payroll Items -- These are pulled over from your QuickBooks file
- Classes -- These are pulled over from your QuickBooks file
- Terms -- These are pulled over from you Quickbooks file
- Messages -- These are pulled over from your QuickBooks file
*Clicking on any of the above data menu names will show the respective list.
*The default display is for all active data. To view inactive data, click on the View Archived People/Projects or Show Inactive link.*To add new data, click on Add Person/Project/Company or Add New. To edit a specific data item, click on the name in the first column.
- My Account -- (Only visible to Admins) This menu allows you to view your invoices from
- SpringAhead, change your license count, and update credit card details
- Setup Wizard -- The wizard that initially lays the groundwork for your settings in SpringAhead; May access again to set up basic settings.
- Employee Projects -- This wizard will allow you to add or remove a user from multiple projects at once.
- Map Users to Items -- This wizard will allow you to connect mutliple users to respective items.
Admin Functions
- Reset Data -- Use only if necessary or need troubleshooting.
My Info
- Change Password -- Here, a user can change the password to his/her SpringAhead account
- Validate License -- This link will allow you to view the number of active time/expense licenses you are using out of the allotted number of licenses you have