Syncing a Corp2Corp Consultant Follow
A Corp2Corp contractor is someone who works through another company that pays them (e.g. an agency like Manpower).
Follow these instructions on how to sync Corp2Corp contractors or consultants with SpringAhead:
- Set up the company (e.g. Manpower) as a vendor in QuickBooks (you do not need and should not enter the worker in QuickBooks as an employee or vendor).
- On the Vendor under the Additional Info tab, set the Type to "Corp2Corp" (create this type it if it doesn't exist) and save it.
- Sync the vendor list with SpringAhead using SpringConnect. This will automatically create a company (type = vendor) in SpringAhead.
- In SpringAhead, add a new user for the contractor (go to Settings, People, and Add Person).
- Under the Permissions tab, set the Person Type to "Corp-to-Corp Contractor", and set the Employer/Vendor Name to the newly created company (e.g. Manpower).
- Finish setting up this user as you would normally for time and/or expense entry (e.g. username, password, roles, rates, etc.).
Please Note: If you are switching this user from a contractor to a Corp2Corp, continue to do the following:
- Edit the user in SpringAhead (go to Settings, People, and click on the username). Under the Mapping tab, check off Override vendor name in your accounting system, and leave the Vendor Name in Accounting System field blank. Save the user.
- In Settings, from the left bar, select Reset Data. In the Reset External ID section, select User and then Continue. Select the user name and click Reset External ID. This disconnects the user form the old contractor vendor name in QuickBooks.
- If you switched vendors in QuickBooks (i.e. you left the old contracting vendor there), edit the vendor in QB and remove the Type from the Additional Info tab. If possible, deactivate this vendor in SpringAhead and save it. This ensures that SpringAhead doesn't re-sync this user and you don't accidentally continue using it (your historical data will remain unaffected in QuickBooks).
Reason: The consultant is not paid directly by your company, only the agency is. Therefore, the consultant does not need to be in QuickBooks. However, the consultant does need to be able to add time and/or expense; therefore, they need to be added in SpringAhead and attached to the vendor.